Endurance fiber-coupled diode laser 445 nm wavelength
5.5 watt optical output SMA 905 output
Our laser system specification
Wavelength (nm) 445+- 2 nm
Operating mode CW
Output power (mW) 1-5500
Fiber core diameter (um) 100/ 200/ 400 / 600 / 800 /1000
Fiber connector FC/ PC or SMA905
Power stability (rms, over4h) <5%
Operating Temperature(℃) 15-30
Power supply 5VDC 90-264VAC
Modulation TTL/ Analog (Optional)
Expected lifetime 10000
Warranty 6 months
Note: Customized work available on request.
Estimate ВРР = (laser beam radius) х (numeric apperture).
Laser beam radius 0.1mm, NA 0.22 = 220 mRad.
BPP ~ 22 mm*Mrad
Fiber Coupled Laser Module with 5.5 watt (5500 mw) optical laser power output
Endurance offer different core diamter fibers: 105-1000 um MM fiber or SM fiber.
If you need a special optical system – we can make it.
The FC series (Fiber Coupled Laser System) integrates laser diode, laser cavity, fiber coupled optics, laser power supply, LD current and crystal temperature control into ONE box. The power is available for 1mW-15W with different dimensions. The characteristics of compact design and convenient functions make it very suitable for pumping, scientific research, industrial and medical applications.
Special offer multi-wavelength fiber coupled laser system are designed with integrated electronics and easy operation. 2~6 wavelengths can be combined into one box. USB or RS232 connector is optional.
Emdurance lasers can supply the even beam distribution of laser modules and laser systems, features a flat beam profile with different wavelengths. They are suitable for the fields of medical treatment, ultraviolet curing, fluorescent detection, criminal investigation and scientific research.
Endurance Fiber Collimator design for
Single-mode fiber with core diameter 4-9 μm
Multi-mode fiber with core diameter 50-1000 μm
Used to collimate the beam at the end of fiber
Focus adjustable collimator optional
We can develop a green and a red laser-based system designed and performance-optimized to be the ultimate tool for trace evidence detection, particularly of latent prints. It is a compact forensic light source for use in crime labs and at crime scenes, as well as for covert and homeland security applications.